Monday, December 26, 2011

dating ice skating.

This is an ego boosting post for Karen. Because she has such remarkably low self-esteem as it is.

Today was basically a daylong date with Karen. We had all three meals together. I brought her yogurt and granola for breakfast. She bought me a cappuccino. We talked to a police officer who thought all Jehovah's Witnesses were black. I had a conversation with a Mexican man in my broken Spanish about the preaching work. We went to Virginia Highlands and looked at houses we want to live in. I dropped Karen off at a Starbucks while I went in for an interview for a part-time job. Meanwhile, she secretly bought me this cup I've been wanting for a long, long time:
I didn't know you got me the big cup! :D What a sweetie.
I got the job. We went to our original date spot in Decatur and had Farm Burger for lunch. We went to the Urban Outfitters on Ponce, which was a pretty sizable loophole to the usual after Christmas crowd. Karen doubled up on sweater purchases while I wasn't looking. So sneaky. I went to my RV. Karen went to hers, aka Jenn Wang who is the best. The three of us made plans to go shopping for our imaginary apartment. Karen even left Jenn a cliffhanger question to answer on her next visit like the best pioneer.

We drove back to my house for dinner and ate leftovers from last night's party. We had double fudge brownie ice cream for dessert, compliments of Mike Lim. Then Karen did the dishes like a good housewife and may have demanded documentation of it, which is so unlike her.

Then Karen left my house and sent a goodbye text from her car while she was still out front to tell me what a great time she had today.
Great friends are such precious gifts from Jehovah.